Dedicated to Protecting & Preserving the Natural World.

Our Model.


We select only effective and impactful partners with a clear execution plan in mind to protect & regenerate the nature of the Southwest of Portugal. 100% of profits are channeled to these causes and closely monitored to ensure the proper execution of the planned actions.

Support the Right Causes.


Many foundations and environmental organizations struggle to connect with the younger, influential generation. We recognize that effective communication for our user base requires understanding and speaking the same language. In other words a communication style that is genuine and cool.

Engage Cultural Ambassadors.


To reach our target and raise funds and awareness we organize events that are educational and cultural, combining a mix of sports, art & music. This cultural based approach, guarantees greater reach, but also more appeal for larger donors looking for meaningful give-back.

Promote Meaningful Experiences.

Be part of the Crew.

The Vicentina Foundation brings together anyone who recognizes the unique beauty and power of this beautiful region.

In particular, we call out to all entrepreneurs and business owners who make this unique location their home – hotels, restaurants, tourism operators, farmers, winemakers, chefs, and neighbours – to work collaboratively towards a sustainable future for SouthWest Portugal.